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Discussione: Aiuto con schema all'uncinetto

  1. #1
    Elisa Abballe è offline Utente novello
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    Exclamation Aiuto con schema all'uncinetto

    Buonasera, chiedo a voi perchè io son due giorni che mi sto scervellando e non riesco a fare alcuni piccoli capi d'abbigliamento per dei pupazzi amigurumi. Preciso che io non ho mai lavorato con la catenella, ma solo con l'anello magico, e lo schema che ho è in inglese. Sarei molto felice se mi potreste aiutare dicendomi passo per passo cosa fare T___T

    Coat (black and green)
    with black yarn:
    1. Chain 12, turn
    2. Sc 11, ch 1, turn
    3. Sc 5, ch 1, turn
    4. Sc 5, ch 1, turn
    5. Sc 5, ch 7, turn
    6. Sc 11, ch 1, turn
    7-9. repeat row 6
    10. Sc 6, ch 6, turn
    11. Sc 11, ch 1, turn
    12-14. Repeat row 11
    15. Sc 5, ch 1, turn
    16. Sc 5, ch 1, turn
    17. Sc 5, ch 7, turn
    18. Sc 11, fasten off

    with green yarn:
    Sc along the hem, sl up the lapels. The coat should now look like this:

    Attach to the body with few stitches near the neck.

    Make and attach hair. I used black embroidery floss to get that sleek look, but it is not the easiest yarn to work with and I actually had to use a bit of hair spray (!) to fix the hair. If you don’t know how to make and attach hair, this tutorial is really great.

    Helmet (gold/yellow)
    The helmet isn’t entirely symmetrical, but for my purposes it didn’t matter. If you are a perfectionist, you might want to work the helmet in joined rounds and not in spiral like I did, and fix the asymmetrical cheek plates.
    MR 5
    1. INC x5 (10 total)
    2. INC x10 (20 total)
    3. (1 sc next 3 stitches, INC) around (25 total)
    4. (1 sc next 4 stitches, INC) around (30 total)
    5. (1 sc next 5 stitches, INC) around (35 total)
    6. (1 sc next 6 stitches, INC) around (40 total)
    7. ( 1 sc next 7 stitches, INC) around (45 total)
    8. Sc around (45)
    9. Sc 27, ch 1, turn
    10-12. repeat row 9

    13. (start of the first cheek plate) Sc 27, ch 6, turn
    14. Sc 15, sl,
    15. Skip sl and sl in first sc, sc in next 14, ch 1, turn
    16. Sc 13, sl, fasten off

    (second cheek plate)
    1. Sl in 11th st from the “empty” side of the helmet, sc 10 (until the edge), ch 6, turn
    2. Sc 13, sl
    3. Skip sl, sl in the first sc, sc 12, ch 1
    4. Sc 11, sl, fasten off.

    Sl around the edge of the whole helmet.

    Horns (make 4)
    1. Ch 26, turn
    2. Sl 14, sc 5, HDC 5
    fasten off, leave a long tail

  2. #2
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