Area grecanica AREA GRECANICA "Ellenofoni di Calabria"
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In our small Mediterranean world, where too much often the violence and the separation show oneself, they remain alive minority, marginal cultures, esuli, migranti....Ston dicòmma cceddo cosmo mediterraneo pu spithìa fènondo to mblèscima ce to chòrimma mènusi zondàrese ghenèese cceddunedde, ti stecusi stin acri, ti fevgusi stin scenìa, ti pausi sti scenìa.
Roccaforte del Greco, Area Grecanica: the borders put into effect them of the Calabrian Grecita'. (R.C.) Italy Italiano  English version

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L' area Grecanica is extended on a surface of about 460 square kilometers from the low Jonio reggino until the aspromonte, including portions of territory rivierasco, pedemontano and mountain. The territory of the following eleven communes it is included: Bagaladi , Bova, Bova Navy, Brancaleone, Condofuri, Melito I Carry Safe , Palizzi, Roccaforte of the Greek one, Roghudi, San Lorenzo and Staiti.
The population resident in the zone was in the Census of 1991 equal to 36.890 inhabitants with a density therefore of 80 inhabitants for square kilometers.
It cherishes age-old of the linguistic minority ellenofona, the aspromonte Southern Jonico takes care of unchanged the tracks of its ancient nature of crossroads on the Mediterranean one.
For centuries this area has proposition the role of truth and actual cultural island for a series of motive between that the historical precariousness of the connections and a specially inaccessible entroterra. For how much civilized and antropizzata for the continuous migrations of the population of the borghi of the entroterra towards the navies , the wide coastal beaches preserve band and welcoming. Almost an opposite species of world is instead the inside, in big part placed within the boundaries of the National Park of the aspromonte: a peaceful and quiet cosmos natural fact of solemn fiumare , selvagge mountains that demote towards the sea with paths and spring meadows of sole beauty.
Bova, Condofuri, Gallicianò, Roccaforte of the Greek one, Roghudi are the centers with the most obvious tracks of the main culture -Greek. The Greek one of Calabria, spoken in these places, is object of studies and searches, but also cultural motive of exchanges and of initiatives to protection of the linguistic minorities historian. Bova, capital of the Greek of Calabria is dominated from the ruderi of the Norman Castle. It rises to almost 1000 m. on the level of the sea and is attainable from the provincial one that leaves from Bova Navy. The Cathedral takes care of a statue in marble of the Madonna col Child, of 1584, attributed to Rinaldo Bonanno.
L’antico borgo of Superior Brancaleone (stronghold of noble Calabrian families, like the Ruffo and the Staircase), hidden in top to a cliff, show the ruderi of the castle and the restive of the church dedicated to the Madonna dell’Annunziata. Long the provincial one for Staiti meet themselves, in contrada Batia, the restive dell’abbazia Byzantine-Norman (XI sec.) of Holy Maria of Tridetti, for almost a religious millennium religion center and goal of pilgrimages you populate.

The present boundaries.

The island ellenofona of the Calabria it is extended today long the valley of the amendolea, of the torrent Siderone and of the Easter San in province of Reggio Calabria. Dominated from the south side of the aspromonte and plowed from you and ravines, the countries grecanici I am places to almost 15 kilometers from the I cost, generally all on mountains an inaccessible time. Né we can admit that today is changed a lot. In fact, to the inside of the limited boundaries of the Calabria continue to live, even more cast out , these last witnesses of a civility that had been large and that did not understand absolutely to renounce the actual identity after to have paid a so hard price for the actual existence. Bova, Roghudi, Chorìo of Roghudi, Gallicianò, Roccaforte , and in more the new installations migratori of Condofuri, Bova Navy, San Extra Giorgio, Modena, Arangea and Bars to Reggio Calabria , Melito I Carry Safe – where returned to revive the new Roghudi, mark the present boundaries of the current grecità , reduced to an extreme cultural limit of resistance. I am limits that the Greek of Calabria insist to consider themselves belonging to to that sweet-smelling climate of the ancient grecità of whom, until some century does, breathed the air most of the countries of the present province reggina. But I am limits more sparenti, in zones in which the tongue grecanica now is reciting the last action of its existence. The ruin idro-geological and the territorial marginalità, the strong emigration, the human incomprehension than did not give back entirely feasible l’opera of the administrations and a hostile nature played a fundamental role in the white genocide of the last Greeks of Calabria.
Roghudi (Righùdi), Ghorìo of Roghudi (Chorìo you Richudìu)

To 627 meters on the level of the sea, put almost of guard in the means of the torrent Amendolea, surrounded by impenetrable mountains , continues to resist the insult of the times the inhabited old person of Roghudi. It is not yourselves flat track of grounds in its territory, but a to succeed itself of mountains and of precipices. Set down on the ridge of a hill that it hurls towards the fondovalle, gotten lost in the night of the times, Roghudi and its Chorìo knowed the alone economical possibility that the places allowed, the same one that had found their ancestors to the time of the first installations: the sheep-farming. And so it was until the day in which the nature and the man did not decide to drag downstream this linguistic altra oasis. It was 1971. The country today is attainable across a little easy provincial road that from Melito I Carry Safe salt until Roccaforte for then to come down Roghudi and to go back still its verse Chorìo. And’ attainable too from Bova with a long theory of curve that from the Fields of Bova comes down towards the country. Ascending towards the fields of Bova they are visible to four kilometers of distance from Chorìo of Roghudi two geological formations natural that seem to want to be guard dell’intera valley of this old country grecanico: You vrastarùcia (the boilers of the milk) and THE Ròcca you Dràgu (the Fortress of the Dragon). Today the new alive Roghudi in the crowds of Melito P. S. but its inhabitants I am scattered for some time to Bova Navy, Melito P. S., Reggio. Its date of birth seems to bind itself to that of Amendolea, or little after, of whom was pagus (village ) and shared the story and the vicissitudes of this land and of the other countries ellenofoni that gravitate in the valley of the amendolea. The country preserve still in part the original speech, above all in the elderly that have however renounced for some time to put into practice the nell’uso daily, for that be is destined fatally to disappear in consideration too of the deep diaspora that hit the two countries. Its territory confines with that more extended of Condofuri; its inhabitants, included the fraction of Ghorìo, surpassed the 2200 unities having immediately a strong demographic development after the transfer, with considerable brake all’emigrazione by means of the new more favorable conditions all’occupazione and to the development partner-economical. Extremely positive it was besides l’inserimento of the roghudesi in the community where have transferred. In some communes (Arengea of Reggio Calabria, Bova Navy, Melito P.S.), for their work, I am you in fact whole districts inhabited note from the community ellenofona roghudese.

Condofuri, Gallicianò, Amendolea

Before 1806 the country of Condofuri was a pagus of Amendolea. Today it it includes the fractions of Gallicianò , of Condofuri Navy, of San Carlo and of Amendolea. The tradition It wants that the country come down from the inhabitants of across successive Gallicianò immigrations, but does not seem that the people of two countries have the characters of the same race. It stays however from it signal that in the connection to file of the bishop Mons. Morabito (12.11.1754) it is read that the church of Condofuri had not a parish priest because, being a "not ancient colony " of Gallicianò the village note was subjected to the parish priest of that country. However it is the story of these places is resembled all and too the destiny that dominates them. In lands voted to the sheep-farming and to the agriculture, the inhabitants of Condofuri , Gallicianò and Amendolea lived urged from the hunger and from the most natural needs. The inaccessibilità of the places, the scarcity of roads, the meager resources and the economical poverty arrived to push the mayor of Amendolea - from that depended the two villages of Gallicianò and Condofuri - to deliberate in 1801 that the forests of oaks of the SS. Announced some amendolea should not be sold poichè the acorns served the "common bread" of the managed! Gallicianò was likely been based on from the people of Amendolea, trasferitesi in more inaccessible places in uncertain times. The gallicianesi I am a typical people of shepherds, loving some song, of the dance and of their tongue: the Greek tongue. The country, tormented from a domineering nature and from the age-old arrogance of governing that I am not itself not even remembered of costruirvi a road , lived at long block and without story in this plaga of the amendolea. Someone it thought well of vision in the gallicianesi the heirs of those immigrant populations in these places to alive force under the executive of a tabellario from the name Callicum or Gallicum , from that then the name of the country would be produced. However it is this millennial country, old and fragile, still today oasis of the grecità calabra, continued to resist attached to the mountain and to the actual cultural identity and ethnic. Now in truth they do not remain that little inhabitants that have however heard well the need to be based on an Association ellenofona that large merits has in its activity to defended some tongue : THE Cumelca. You reason practices and of livability pushed its population still a time to emigrate verse Reggio and Condofuri. The country is attainable departing person from verse Navy Condofuri Superior Condofuri for then to move forward itself in a little road easy that runs for 7 kilometers until Gallicianò. At present it counts about 400 inhabitants. The population of the whole country (Condofuri San Carlo, Amendolea and Gallicianò ) it is gone around around 6000 unity.

Roccaforte of the Greek one, Ghorìo of Roccaforte

I post on a high mountain 935 meters, Roccaforte of the Greek one had said ancient Vunì (mountain). Subsequently its name was changed in The Fortress to the time in which was village of Amendolea, for then to take on definitive the present name. It Its story is confused with that of its country of origin, but we have not tracks of its existence still in the XV century. Together to Roghudi and Gallicianò appears cited in the works of the Barrio , of the Flower and of the Marafioti in the beginning of the century XVI. How for Gallicianò and Roghudi, it is supposed that its population is been derived from the file of that Greek people that was deported in mass in these places to swell the meager demographic resources of these countries. It is known that all this plaga of the amendolea certainly was fortified, is because was a fixed road of I pass between Locri and Reggio, is because served from defence to Bova, extreme limit west of Locri. The population of Roccaforte of the Greek one, until some decade does entirely of Greek tongue, today the tongue speaks rarely ellenica, or rather says that to Roccaforte the Greek language now almost is extinguished of everything. You do not improve, it is from the linguistic point of view than economical, they are the conditions in the small Ghorìo center of Roccaforte, I post long the road that demotes verse Roghudi. In the neighborhoods of Chorio of Roccaforte c’è still to admire the Byzantine chiesetta of the family upright Tripepi around the second half of 1700. The inhabitants of Roccaforte and of its Ghorìo today reach the 2000 unities. The two countries are connected to the coastal road across a provincial one that from Melito P. S. salt for 30 kilometers to Roccaforte.

Bova (Vùa)

The story today forgot Bova and perhaps Bova forgot its story. The continuous country to resist awkward to its fortress with the last "fragments" of a population now to the near end. Almost all of the inhabitants have poured on the navy in a forced emigration of return. The country is attainable from the provincial one that leaves from Bova Navy and it is loosened for 14 kilometers until Bova. They resist still ancient remains of its past: the much churches, leaves of its wall and of its castle, "l’orma of the queen", the palace Nesci, the decrepit episcopate. Between all of the countries ellenofoni is certainly the better one preserved, the most accessible one and the most open one to the cultural shows awkward to the cultural roots. You show on the territory an of the worthiest associations ellenofone "Apodiafàzi ", been based on and directed, until a little while ago, from the poet peasant Brown Casile, and "THE Chòra" of whom do part an awkward youngsters of group volentoroso to the culture grecanica. Today the varied town administrations created an excellent museum dell’arte peasant and pastoral and a museum of Paleontologia, and are seeking in everything the way to make to revive the country that was the Chòra (the capital) for antonomasia of the Greek of Calabria. Small , cleaned, flirtatious to times, Bova does not deny its origin , né nell’aspetto, né in its inhabitants. On the cronotassi of its bishops they have alternated varied authors but Still they persist doubtful on the exact date in which the bishop's church of Bova is source. The Gams begins the moderate series of the bishops bovesi with Blasius, dead in 1341 and elected in 1313. But I am not yourselves doubtful now than already in 1094 pit been present in country Light, humble "bishop of Bova", like he same is definite in its will spiritual. Someone it wanted inverare the presence of the bishops to Bova to leave from the THE sec. d. C , with Suera, and, subsequently with other present bishops in 434 and in 498. However it is, simply respecting all the opinions, we give for deducted the referable period to San Light.

Bova Navy (Jalò you Vùa)

Mail on the state one between Head Chrisafi (san Giovanni D’Avalos) and l’Amendolea, Bova Navy confuses its story with that of Bova from whose municipalità was been based on. It has constituted in autonomous entity in 1908. First still it be it was shelter of fishermen and of some farmers bovesi that were transferred themselves for convenience in navy. Francesco Nucera in Ruins of Calabria, wrongly, says that in these places it is not had motive of to believe that were able to be yourselves some installations. Today sappiamo with certainty that in its fraction, Easter San, were yourselves a lot of installations, sovrappostisi in the course of the centuries: 1. Scyllaca; 2. an Israeli installation, done not otherwise know to level of name but known to archeological level ; 3. Delia; 4. Panaghìa. And’ of some decade now the finding of the mosaic of an Israeli synagogue of the IV sec. d. Cr. The country in the last thirty’anni grew in considerable manner also for the presence of some populations it here emigrated. Bova Navy is at the cultural every activity center , is grecanica that in general , and in the last years is itself mail all’attenzione for the presence in I rent some Associations cultural presents in the territory, above all l’Ismìa Grecànika "Jalò you Vùa", been based on in 1970, l’UTE-TL and the Coop. handicraft grecanica "To Argalìo " (the loom). You show too some groups of song, I dance and of traditional search Greek-calabra: Eurito, Delia, Megàli Ellàda. The bishop's Seminar, I am drawn in 1835 for work of Mons. Rozzolino, now is left and on the same places the center will be born AISM. And’ been instead restored the Church mother dell’Immacolata, initiated from Mons. Dalmazio D’Andrea and conduct to limit in 1879 from Between’ Longobardi. In 1962 it mail on Head was Chrisafi, where still resists the hat of the Marzano and the restive of a tower of guard, a statue bronzea dedicated to the Madonna of the Sea. Here, in not very distant times, the people of Bova was usual to come down in pilgrimage for the parties pagane that lieutenants came yourselves.

Kitchen and produced dell' area

A kitchen of shepherds and peasants. The traditional kitchen Of the Greek aspromonte it is spartana, of mountain, but not for this lacking taste and of agreeable surprises. Since to the years '60 prevailed some basic elements today not always available. For the bread, for example, next to the flour of grain it was in use that of rye, of acorn or of chestnut and other varieties flours smaller. For the pastas, the grain sometimes it is blended to the barley, to the rye , to the corn. Between the meats, an element hinge was senz' other the goat (and the sheep), as well as the pig.

The breeding and the transformation of the pig in the traditional world had a central importance that it is maintained all now a lot strong in the spread habit of the domestic breeding. You go out the ham, the local delicatessen contemplated , and contemplates, all the possible been derived: sausages and sopressate , capicolli, meat in brine, sanguinaccio. Still today, the sacrifice of the useful animal is accompanied with a familiar party, the frittolata.

Cheese prince of the local tradition is the pecorino, in mixed type of milk sheep and goat. Naturally they do not be lacking excelling them ricotte of the area, to seek particularly in the period that goes from after the epiphany until Easter.

Between the typical dishes of the archaic kitchen grecanica are able signal: the lestopitta and the pitta 'rrustuta, the cordelle , the maccaruni, the rich' and previti, the tagghiulini, the curcudìa , the ngute.

The bergamotto. The area Grecanica is characterized also for a microclima specially sweet that agrees the cultivation of the bergamotto.
Long the beds of the fiumare and in the hill band succeed , between the other cultivations, the fragrant fields of this citrus , nicknamed the green gold, from which comes extracted the essence that constitutes the natural base of the most refined production world profumiera.

To visit the area Grecanica. The aspromonte grecanico is an of those European areas than did not know the economical development and industrial and that or rather suffered depopulation and emigration. The missed availability of lodgings or of small structures alberghiere is one of the main problems that nullify the tourist take-off of the areas it. Of altra it leaves the area has already in course from some important years experiences in the longed for echo-tourist: from the experience pionieristica of Easter Valley and of the WWF Italy, until that of Naturaliter. The area Grecanica can brag a positive experience of hospitality spread inspired to the I model anglo-saxon of the bed & breakfast.

The GAL Area Grecanica, means an exploitation of action importante and restoration of small rural houses accompanied from a route of formation for the operating, support the birth of Pucambù (from some part, in Greek of Calabria), an agency for the Development of the Rural Tourism.
With the birth of this agency the GAL understands to qualify the tourist offer of the area. Pucambù has central function of speaker with the tourist market and understands to be a further moment of formation and of comparison for all the operating.


Arguments correlate to you

The National Park of the Aspromonte
The park, territory and characteristics
Gastronomia of the park
Distances and excursions in Aspromonte
Farm holidays: to school in the park
The manifestations in the common ones of the park
Aspromonte, Dam on the Mint: the billions on the water

Grecanica Area: the ancient Greek in the Calabria today
"Language and writing of the ellenofoni of the south Italy"
Paleariza: "Wherever travel Greece m' wounds deeply..."

Cumelca: grecaniche songs and relative translations

Tarantella and socialita' in the aspromontet

Roccaforte of the Greek
Le The cascades of the Amendolea or Maesano
Distances and excursions
Historical-religious distance
Churches & monumentsi
Uses customs and traditions
The religious festivities
The kitchen
Proverbi and ways to say

To know it of piu', you see also:
Naturaliter is a Small Cooperative Society to r. l. of the area Grecanica (National Park of the aspromonte), that operates for the search and the spread of the responsible tourism, promovendo col WWF Italy you project aimed at the development echo-compatible. Its partners founders come from varied professional experiences that: animation and formation in environmental field, ecoturismo. The skills of the actual partners check: the tourist services of nets of creation in areas proteus, capable of to involve the local community across traveled of participation and cooperation; the environmental training. In the specific one: the organization and management of trekking.
OBJECT: Approval diagram d’intesa for the promotion of the economical and social development dell’Area Grecanica with care to the P. THE. T. and initiative POR Calabria 2000 – 2006 - I Distribute expenditures for the management associated.
... Itineraries and Places. L' Area Grecanica is characterized also for
A microclima specially sweet that agrees the cultivation of the bergamotto.
It sets to music trekking and rural hospitality from the world in the Calabria Greek
The festival has a valence political more strong nell’Area Grecanica....
Andrea Casile - Mayor of Bova
For the Common dell’Area Grecanica
The Cum. el. ca. is the most old association of the countries of the participating GRECANICA and profit to the inside of the sudetto I enliven; between a journey and another with it "native country Greece" the association puts on a group folkloristico.
Conservatorio Grecanico
It dances, it sets to music, Tradition and Environment in the Calabria Greek
Permanent seat: Cataforìo (RC)

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